Welcome to Corvus Corax
Home of Sara Lunsford, Saranna DeWylde, Sara Arden, Sara Ravencroft & Sara Wylde
My Different Writing Personalities
You may wonder why I have so many, especially when I don't hide my real identity. It's for you, dearest reader.
Writing genre is all about promises. We read certain genres because of what we know they deliver with each book. These pen names are about keeping my promise to you. Each name is a brand, and a fulfillment of genre promise.

“Sara Lunsford romances readers with softness sometimes, making us chuckle, making us double-take. Then she grabs us and shakes hard, until we can’t do anything but gasp. ... ‘Sweet Hell on Fire’ is a book to get your hands on.”
Author Services
Developmental and Content Edits
Hire me to make your book shine! I’ll help you get the most from your story.
Story Consultation & Coaching
Hire me to consult or to coach you through your book, from beginning to end!

Workshops & Consultation
I’ve developed a collection of workshops to help others learn from my areas of expertise. I’m also available for consultation on select projects dealing with prisons and women in law enforcement.